Do You Need Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” and plays a critical role in your health. Your body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight, however, many Americans …


Have you been told you are pre-diabetic? Or that you are already diabetic? Are you feeling unsure of what to eat and not to eat? We can help. Diabetes is …

Want to get healthier?

We hear all the time from patients that want to become healthier but truly don’t know how. They know they should “lose weight and eat better,” but what does that …

How to Choose a "Good" Vitamin

You’ve seen the pharmacy shelves full of vitamins. There are thousands of options! How are you supposed to know which one to choose? Obviously, you can ask us! Your local …

Cold and Flu Defense

The season of sickness is upon us and maintaining a strong immune system is crucial especially for those around the young and old. This isn’t an easy task however, with …